Thursday, September 12, 2013


I secretly love when she sucks her thumb. (H at 12 months)

S was a year old here and she loved playing dress up.

P.s. I've gotten a lot of questions about my hair color (which is currently black, and has been for the past three years).

Sometimes complete strangers will ask me if I'm surprised my girls came out blondies instead of with black hair...(pause...[cricket sound]...think...OH YA! Cause I'm black headed)...then I explain that I color my hair and I naturally have light hair. Ha ha. (Doesn't everyone color their hair these days?)

Most of my close friends have only seen me with black hair. Even the bearded man has only see one picture of me in my natural hair color. So here you go guys...this is my natural hair color. Now you've seen it. (Oh, and I don't have any make-up on for either of these pictures, so now you've seen that too, lol.)

Happy Thursday Everyone!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

You're so beautiful, Lauren! It doesn't matter what color your hair is or if you have make up on, you are always gorgeous! I love the pictures of the girls when they were little! I can't believe how much miss E looks like Miss S. Almost identical!!