Tuesday, June 9, 2015

hey little baby 5.

Hey little baby,
Well guess what? You are male. It's been a bit since we went to your 20 week appointment and got to see your cute little self but I just now had the opportunity to write to you, (presently, you are 23 weeks and some days along). The appointment was awesome. That day had been kind of busy because S had a field trip that kept getting postponed because of weather. We actually had to leave her field trip early to get to the appointment on time, but it didn't even phase S. She was REALLY excited to see you. Your sisters both loved hearing your fast heartbeat and we were all thrilled to find that you were a boy. The girls were especially excited that they were right about you being a boy. Your sisters like being right and winning bets...remember that, haha. Also, we didn't get a lot of pictures of your cute face but what we did see looks a lot like your Daddy.
Since your 20 week appointment I have had another appointment and you are still sounding great and measuring correctly with your approximate due date (October 6th). You move around constantly and your kicks and wiggles are really strong now. Sadie has felt and seen you kick a few times and she loves it. Both your sisters love to give you a tummy hug and talk to you through my belly button.
You're one lucky guy to have them as your big sisters, by the way. The app on my phone tells me that you can hear us when we talk to you, so you should be really familiar with all of us when you finally arrive.
I have been shopping around for your clothing and other supplies and I've made some burp cloths and a mobile for you...there are also a few blankets in the works. Nanny and Pawpaw are moving out here from Georgia on August 12th. Nanny wants me to wait until she gets here before I make your blankets. She made both the girls a soft blanket when they were babies and both the girls still love them, so she wants to do the same for you.
Keep up the wiggles and kicks and I will write you again later. (Only 17 weeks left till I get to hold you in my arms. I am so excited!)
Love you lots,

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